Vera Panno
Conference Interpreter and Translator-Simultaneous, Consecutive and Liaison
Italian, English and French

About me
I have been working as a freelance Conference Interpreter and Translator since 2008 and I became a an Associate Member of AITI (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters) in 2016.
I have been accredited to work for the Representation of the European Commission in Rome since 2017.
After graduating with a Laurea Triennale (Degree) in Interpreting and Communication at IULM University in Milan in 2003, went on to study a Specialization Course for Interpreters and Translators at the Advanced School of Modern Languages SSML Gregorio VII in Rome in 2003-2004.
In March 2008 I completed a Second level Degree (Laurea Specialistica) in Conference Interpreting at the Libera Università degli Studi San Pio V in Rome (now UNINT).
While I was studying, I did two, high level, international internships: 3 months at the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce in Houston (Texas) between 2004 and 2005, and 4 months at the United Nations Headquarters, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, Terminology and Reference Section in New York in 2006.
I am currently based in Rome where I work as a simultaneous, consecutive, whispered and liaison interpreter.
I specialise in providing language support for business trips and tours to factories, as well as interpreting at conferences, meetings, meetings of Board of Directors, seminars and workshops, both in Italy and abroad.
Furthermore, having built up a network of qualified interpreters and translators I also organise and coordinate teams of interpreters, (in 1 or more language combinations), for international conferences.
Since 2004, I have also been providing my translation and interpreting services to several associations working in the field of human rights, the fight against organised crime, and equal opportunities for all.
Since 2004, I have worked for clients over a range of different sectors, including those listed below:
- Italian Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Economy, Health, Education, Employment, Infrastructures)
- Malta 2017 EU Presidency; EASO; High Council of Judiciary; US Embassy, South Africa Embassy;
- European Commission
- Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministries
- Italian Senate
- Superior Council of Judiciary
- Comando Carabinieri per la tutela della salute – Reparto Analisi
- Interagency Law-Enforcement College of Advanced Studies
- Central Directorate for Antidrug Services
- Italian Finance Police
- State Forestry Force
- Interpol and Europol
- Frontex
- Italian Customs Agency
- International Institute of Justice, Malta
- Embassies (USA, South Africa, Morocco)
- Regional Governments: Veneto, Tuscany, Campania, Lazio, Umbria and Marche
- Chambers of Commerce: Rome, Milan, Prato, Mallorca and Houston
- Municipality of Pisa
- Municipality of Rome
- ADR (Aeroporti di Roma) and ENAC
- Gruppo Atlantia
- Universities (Palermo, Cagliari, Bari, La Sapienza, Politecnico di Milano, Pontificia Università Lateranense, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Università del Foro Italico)
- Pharmaceutial companies (Pfizer, Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Smith & Nephew ,Shire, Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca, Otsuka, Daiichi Sankyo, Philips, Medtronic, Takeda, Janssen, Guidotti, Federsalus, Vertex Pharmaceutical, Cubic Pharmaceutical, Novella Clinical, Allergy Therapeutics)
- Istituto Superiore di Studi Sanitari
- IFCC – International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Hospitals (Policlinico Umberto I, San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, TorVergata Hospital)
- INMP – National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty
- Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi
- Italian and international medical-scientific societies
- Psychotherapy and Psychology institutes and schools
- European Economic and Social Committee
- European Central Bank
- Unicredit
- MasterCard
- Deutsche Bank
- Zurich Insurance Company
- EPIA – European Photovoltaic Industry Association
- European Environment Agency
- Legambiente
- Finmeccanica
- Leonardo spa
- Ferrovie dello Stato
- Ansaldo STS
- Pirelli
- IANGV – International Association of Natural Gas Vehicles
- Enel
- Eni
- General Electric
- Areva
- Meridiana
- Taranto Port Authority
- EPCSA (European Port Community System Association)
- Save the Children
- Action Aid
- Amnesty International
- La Via Campesina
- Mijarc – International Movement of Catholic Agricultural Rural Youth
- IPC – International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty
- HIC – International Habitat Coalition
- Peaceful Tomorrows
- Associazione Memoria Condivisa
- International Network for Peace
- Armani
- Tod’s
- Juwelo
- Tod’s
- Caudalie
- Henkel – Schwarzkopf Professional
- L’Oréal Professionnel
- Jimmy Choo
- Nike
- Mondelez International
- Momento Espresso
- Bird’s Eye Iglo and Findus Italia
- Gustav Paulig
- Confagricoltura
- Azur Yachts
- Elco Motors Yachts
- Italian Superyacht Forum
- Nautica Salpa spa
- Gruppo Grimaldi
- ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association
- FIPSAS – Italian Sport Fishing Federation
- FIGC – Italian Football Federation
- 13th FINA World Championships Rome 09
- XX Winter Olympic Games in Turin 2006
- Decathlon
- B’twin
- Aprilia
- Corriere.it/Agenzia H24
- RAI – Radio Televisione Italiana
- 20th Century Fox
- Disney
- Macro (Contemporary Art Museum)
- Académie de France
- Egyptian Academy in Rome